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Shooting our last senior of the season is always bittersweet. We love meeting these wonderful young people and learning their stories and capturing them at such an incredible point in their lives. And, wow...Karen sent us out in style! This beautiful young lady was such a pleasure to photograph and get to know that we just hated for it all to end. 



As we've said before, we love working with photographers, and Jacob is one. He's too modest to let you know it, but he's good. We took him down to Old Colorado City where all of us photographers had a great time, and Jacob raised his stud factor on 11!



Meet Callie. She describes herself as an "outdoorsie" Colorado girl, and it suits her very well, don't you think? Runner, horse whisperer, and lovely as the Colorado outdoors, which treated her (and us) to an especially nice Fall day.



Every senior we shoot brings some new request, and we love the adventure of capturing a new idea. So, when Catalina said she wanted to do a shoot in the water, we were all in (literally)!  After searching around for a while, we hit upon the newly refilled Palmer Lake as the perfect spot. And it was.  But.  It was a little cold and squishy, too. Okay, A little cold and a lot squishy. As in we still have mud between our toes. But what a blast it was, and we captured this beautiful young lady in...well...we guess you could call it her element.



Lilly denies that she's ever done any modeling. To that, we can only say—why not?  This lovely young lady was an absolute pleasure to work with... beautiful and graceful. She was a natural in front of the camera, and a charming young woman besides.